Tuesday, September 22, 2009

شوال کے روزوں کی فضیلت

شوال رمضان کے بعد آنے والا مہینہ ہے ، اِس ماہ کی فضلیتوں میں سے ایک تو یہ ہے کہ اِسکا پہلا دِن عید الفطر کا ہوتا ہے اور دوسری فضلیت یہ ہے کہ رمضان کے روزے پورے کرنے کے بعد اگر شوال میں چھ روزے رکھے جائیں تو پورے سال کے روزوں کا ثواب ملتا ہے

صحیح مسلم اور سنن اربعہ میں حضرت ابو ایوب انصاری رضی اللہ عنہُ کی روایت ہے کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا

جس شخص نے رمضان کے روزے رکھے پھر اس کے بعد شوال کے چھ اور روزے رکھے تو یہ پورا سال روزے رکھنے کی طرح ہے

Source: http://www.banuri.edu.pk/node/426

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Zamzam - زمزم‎

The Well of Zamzam (زمزم‎) is a well located within the Masjid al Haram in Mecca, 20 meters east of the Kaaba, the holiest place in Islam. According to Islamic belief, it was a miraculously-generated source of water from Allah (God), which began thousands of years ago when Ibrahim's infant son Ismael was thirsty and kept crying for water and was kicking at the ground when water gushed out. Millions of pilgrims visit the Well each year while performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, in order to drink its water.

Technical information
The Zamzam well was excavated by hand, and is about 30 metres deep and 1.08 to 2.66 metres in diameter. It taps groundwater from the wadi alluvium and some from the bedrock. Originally water from the well was drawn via ropes and buckets, but today the well itself is in a basement room where it can be seen behind glass panels (visitors are not allowed to enter). Electric pumps draw the water, which is available throughout the Masjid via water fountains and dispensing containers near the Tawaf area.
The Saudi Geological Survey has a "Zamzam Studies and Research Centre" which analyses the technical properties of the well in detail. Water levels were monitored by hydrograph, which in more recent times has changed to a digital monitoring system that tracks the water level, electric conductivity, pH, Eh, and temperature.
The water level is 3.23 metres (about 10.59 ft) below the surface. A pumping test at 8000 litres/second for more than a 24 hour period showed a drop in water level from 3.23 metres below surface to 12.72 metres and then to 13.39 metres, after which the water level stopped receding. When pumping stopped, the water level recovered to 3.9 metres below surface only 11 minutes later.
Zamzam Water has no colour or smell, but it has a distinct taste, and its pH is 7.9–8.0

Minerals Percentages

Calcium 198

Magnesium¨ 43.7

Chloride 335

Sulfur 370

Iron 0.15

Manganese 0.15

Copper 0.12

(Analysis of a study conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Water and Waste Water Treatment, the Western Province, Saudi Arabia, 1400 H.E.)

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamzam_Well

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ramadan Special

::.. Ramadan رمضان Fatawa
Fatawa Related Holy month of Ramadan ul Mubarak

::.. Ramadan رمضان Wallpapers
Wallpapers about Holy month of Ramadan ul Mubarak

::.. Ramadan رمضان Special Audios
Selected Audio Lactures, Duas & Poems about Holy month of Ramadan ul Mubarak

::.. Ramadan رمضان Articals
Selected Articals of well known scholars about Holy month of Ramadan ul Mubarak